<i>Mediated action / add</i> <br>Situation at the beginning of the exhiition <i>Mediated action / add</i> <br>Situation at the beginning of the exhiition <i>Mediated action / add</i> <br>Situation at the beginning of the exhiition <i>Mediated action / add</i> <br>Situation at the end of the exhiition <i>Mediated action / add</i> <br>Situation at the end of the exhiition <i>Mediated action / add</i> <br>Situation at the end of the exhiition

Gig#1 bis #4, series of short group exhibitions at diverse places: attic/Acud; ground-floor/Werkbundhaus; ground-floor/architect’s office; Videothek/Winsstraße, Berlin together with Kathrin von Malzahn, Joachim Blank, Martin Eberle and guestes.



Mediated action / add
2017. Various onsite found materials unaltered + plastic addition (material performance, duration 48-hours) Installation view Gig #2, Werkbundhaus, Berlin, 2017